Sunday, June 24, 2007

Arrests and Investigations continue

*Fictional Story*
After the violent outbreak on inner city streets last week, police have been actively pursuing those involved in the melee. Investigations are continuing, however the police are please to announce that a number of arrests have been made, though often after a violent confrontation, where the suspect must be forcibly restrained from resisting arrest.
With each passing day, we are getting closer to the discovery of those behind the attacks, and the task force will not rest until all those responsible are brought to justice.
A disappointing follow up on the violence was the number of petty crime that occurred on the night, with looting, robbery and car theft among the number of associated crimes reported by those caught up in it all. Even a local camera crew had their equipment destroyed during the scuffle.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Seven Die In Street Riot

*Fictional Story*
Just after 9pm Saturday night, the CBD erupted in uncontrolled violence, as both men and women began a disturbing street fight which resulted in the deaths of 7 people, with more receiving injuries. What started as a small scuffle, quickly erupted into a full scale street riot, with people enganging either side. So extreme was the encounter, that police were forced to do their best to keep crounds a safe distance away, while waiting for tactical units to arrive.
With numbers involved in the conflict somewhere between 30 and 40 individuals, police still remain uncertain what sparked events, though questioning will be continuing from those arrested or in hospital.
86 year old, Thelma Gordon of Rowbotham Street, wanted to thank the nice young men that helped her get to help, as she now recovers from in her hospital bed.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Crash victim walks away

*Fictional Story*
A young woman fled the scene of a vehicle crash on North Street in the early hours of this morning. Joe Nashier, lives a few doors down from the scene of the crash, and had this to say.
"I had only just got home from work and was sitting down to watch the telly, when I heard this bloody squealing noise, and before I got outside to have a bo peep, there was this sickening crash. I ran out in my pajamas, and this blue car was snug up with the tree. Then I saw this young woman get out and run off down the street. She had long hair, but I couldn't see much else, and she ignored me calling out.
Police arrived on the scene and identified the car as stolen, but said it was a miracle that anyone survived, let alone was able to run down the street. Witnesses are asked to come forward.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Man Hospitalised After Assualt

*Fictional Story*
To the horror of witnesses, a man was beaten to within inches of his life before being rushed to hospital. In an act of violence taking only seconds, 3 or 4 men are reported to have launched an apparent unprovoked attack on another man in an inner city bar. He was pulled to the ground and punched about the face and torso. His face was bloodied quickly under the onslaught, and his clothes ripped about his body, and as quickly as the attack had started, it was over, the men fleeing into the night before security staff could arrive at the attack.
Ambulance officers were able to stabilize the man before taking him to emergency. Police are continuing the investigation, starting with a review of the security footage.

Friday, June 1, 2007

Cold Snap To Welcome Winter

*Fictional Story*
It's certainly winter time on the Darling Downs, with the first day of winter bringing with it incredible temperature drops around the region, some centres dropping more than 10 degrees from yesterday's temps.
Toowoomba recorded an icy morning, with temperatures dropping to 2 degrees overnight, with the lowest temp recorded just below stanthorpe, of -2.
Time to pull out those winter woolies, this might be a cold one..