Friday, September 7, 2007

Carnival fever building

*Real & In Character Event*
The carnival of flowers is gearing up again for another year, with the carnival running from the 21st to the 30th, with the floral parade through the city streets on Saturday 22nd. The Toowoomba Carnival of Flowers is Australia's longest running annual horticultural event and is renowned as a national Spring icon.
Carnival brings together horticulture, entertainment and gourmet foods in a unique culmination of spring celebrations, horticultural excellence and artistic diversity that remains unrivalled by any other Queensland event.
From food and flowers, wine and watering cans to music and mulch - the Toowoomba Carnival of Flowers is blooming brilliance at its best!
This Spring, head to the hills to discover the hidden treasures of Toowoomba and experience the colourful fanfare of the Carnival . (Blurb from: )

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Further arrests

*Fictional Story*
The investigations into the june 17 riot, have resulted in further arrests by police officers. In what was labled a success, police carried out another raid on a suspect property in the Harlaxton area, where a number of arrests were made.
While the case will remain ongoing, police are confident that the worst is behind them. A number of persons remain under arrest, with continued discussions. Charges continue to grow, with futher charges relating to stolen goods, weapons and drugs, police wish to thank the public for their ongoing support.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Cry for Help

*Fictional Story*
Shoppers at the Drayton shopping centre were of mixed emotion, after many witnessed a suicide attempt by a young woman. In the water fall feature of the dining court a young woman, who will remain un-named was found sitting in the water, after having inflicting severe cuts to her wrists and forearms. When blood started falling down the waterfall, horrified diners raised the alarm. Fortunatly prompt action by staff were able to stabilize the woman until ambulance officers arrived. The woman was unconscious by the time people got to her, so drugs have not been ruled out at this stage.
Totally unexplained by family and friends, this near tragedy is a harsh reminder of the amounts of lives that are lost each year to suicide.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Search continues

*Fictional Story*
Police narrow the ongoing search, in their concerted effort to remedy street violence, that erruped in spectacular fashion back in mid June. Though quick to point out that this is not the only instance of conflict in the city, an undertaking was given to get to the bottom of this particular incident, which the task force is striving towards.
Their most recent arrest yeilded further important information in the Harristown area, which is giving renewed vigor into the investigation and search. Further homes have been visited by officers, however after the death of officer Williamson, increased protection measures are in place.

Monday, July 2, 2007

Officer dies in Raid

*Fictional Story*
During a raid on a Newtown property, constable Nicholas Williamson received a fatal bullet wound and was pronounced dead upon arrival at St Andrews Hospital. The raid was related to ongoing investigations into the riot that took place in the city CBD on Saturday 16th of last month. While police are not releasing any further details, they can confirm that some arrests have been made and also report a number of other fatal injuries, and that investigations are continuing, however see this as a significant step towards resolution.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Arrests and Investigations continue

*Fictional Story*
After the violent outbreak on inner city streets last week, police have been actively pursuing those involved in the melee. Investigations are continuing, however the police are please to announce that a number of arrests have been made, though often after a violent confrontation, where the suspect must be forcibly restrained from resisting arrest.
With each passing day, we are getting closer to the discovery of those behind the attacks, and the task force will not rest until all those responsible are brought to justice.
A disappointing follow up on the violence was the number of petty crime that occurred on the night, with looting, robbery and car theft among the number of associated crimes reported by those caught up in it all. Even a local camera crew had their equipment destroyed during the scuffle.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Seven Die In Street Riot

*Fictional Story*
Just after 9pm Saturday night, the CBD erupted in uncontrolled violence, as both men and women began a disturbing street fight which resulted in the deaths of 7 people, with more receiving injuries. What started as a small scuffle, quickly erupted into a full scale street riot, with people enganging either side. So extreme was the encounter, that police were forced to do their best to keep crounds a safe distance away, while waiting for tactical units to arrive.
With numbers involved in the conflict somewhere between 30 and 40 individuals, police still remain uncertain what sparked events, though questioning will be continuing from those arrested or in hospital.
86 year old, Thelma Gordon of Rowbotham Street, wanted to thank the nice young men that helped her get to help, as she now recovers from in her hospital bed.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Crash victim walks away

*Fictional Story*
A young woman fled the scene of a vehicle crash on North Street in the early hours of this morning. Joe Nashier, lives a few doors down from the scene of the crash, and had this to say.
"I had only just got home from work and was sitting down to watch the telly, when I heard this bloody squealing noise, and before I got outside to have a bo peep, there was this sickening crash. I ran out in my pajamas, and this blue car was snug up with the tree. Then I saw this young woman get out and run off down the street. She had long hair, but I couldn't see much else, and she ignored me calling out.
Police arrived on the scene and identified the car as stolen, but said it was a miracle that anyone survived, let alone was able to run down the street. Witnesses are asked to come forward.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Man Hospitalised After Assualt

*Fictional Story*
To the horror of witnesses, a man was beaten to within inches of his life before being rushed to hospital. In an act of violence taking only seconds, 3 or 4 men are reported to have launched an apparent unprovoked attack on another man in an inner city bar. He was pulled to the ground and punched about the face and torso. His face was bloodied quickly under the onslaught, and his clothes ripped about his body, and as quickly as the attack had started, it was over, the men fleeing into the night before security staff could arrive at the attack.
Ambulance officers were able to stabilize the man before taking him to emergency. Police are continuing the investigation, starting with a review of the security footage.

Friday, June 1, 2007

Cold Snap To Welcome Winter

*Fictional Story*
It's certainly winter time on the Darling Downs, with the first day of winter bringing with it incredible temperature drops around the region, some centres dropping more than 10 degrees from yesterday's temps.
Toowoomba recorded an icy morning, with temperatures dropping to 2 degrees overnight, with the lowest temp recorded just below stanthorpe, of -2.
Time to pull out those winter woolies, this might be a cold one..

Friday, May 25, 2007

Wolf Sighting ?

*Fictional Story*
A man reported a strange animal sighting on his way home last night.
"It was dark, around 8:30pm, and I thought I could see something up ahead, so I slowed down, and then I saw this big black dog, looked like a black wolf. A bit spooky it was, but it saw me and got off the road pretty quick, and I took off. Just seemed mighty strange."
The sighting was in south west Toowoomba, and a spokesperson from the animal refuge said a black wolf in the area was unlikely, but it could have been any sort of large dog, and there are quite a few animal that are now wild, either from the outskirts or abandoned pets.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Lovers Lost

*Fictional Story*
A foggy Sunday morning helped conceal the bodies of two young people. The pair were discovered mid morning in the Drayton and Toowoomba Cemetery. Initially thought to be sleeping, the half naked man and woman displayed no apparent signs of injury, but after an inability to rouse the couple, police officers were called.

At this early stage, police have not released the cause of death, and will await the results of autopsy, but are treating this as suspicious in the absence of further details.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Man Survives Fall

*Fictional Story*
A young man survived a frightening fall from a nightclub balcony tonight. Witnesses say the man who had been drinking for some time, was show boating to impress some women. He jokingly started to climb over the safety railing, when he lost his grib and fell to the footpath below.
Reports from startled people on the ground state that he carefully got up, dusted himself off and left quickly, rejecting offers for help. He seemed to have a slight limp, but no other apparent injuries.
While it's not unlikely one would survive a fall like that, it is quite unlikely that they would simply walk away. He did get lucky, just not that kind of lucky.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Thousands Visit Show

*Fictional Story*
The annual Royal Toowoomba Show has not failed to impress and draw massive crowds again this year. Due to wrap up with a fireworks spectacular tonight, attendance figures are estimated to be up almost 15% on last year.
With activities scheduled throughout the days and nights, of interest to all walks of people, from the animal exhibitins to side show alley, and the all popular arena events.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Boy loses fight

*Fictional Story*
In a heart wrenching decision by his family, "Tommy" McAlister was taken off life support yesterday, which resulted in his passing. Mr McAliser was savegly beaten last Thursday, and despite all efforts to revive him from the coma, doctors told the family that nothing more could be done.
Police are persuing some leads, however again urge for community support in solving this case and bringing his attackers to justice.
A service will be held for Tommy this Friday at 3pm.

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Teenage boy coma after beating

*Fictional Story*
The family of 18 year old Thomas "Tommy" McAlister are devastated after news of the violent assault that has resulted in his current comatose state.
The young mans unconscious body was discovered by a man in the early ours of yesterday morning, lying in a pool of his own blood. The man who remains unknown to police contacted them from a nearby payphone, where police and ambulance officers quickly secured the scene and rushed the man to hospital.
Suffering from numerous injuries, police have stated that it would appear that he was beaten by multiple assailants, who at this stage are unknown. Police suspect the attackers already believed him dead before leaving.
Tommy remains in critical condition, and police continue to guard the room while investigations into the matter continue, as they appeal for community support and for the man who discovered him to come forward.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Violent Storms Widespread

*Fictional Story*
Violent storms struck the north west downs late last night. The bank of destruction stretched from Oakey to the outskirts of Toowoomba. A cyclonic conditions damaged hundreds of homes and cut power to thousands, many of which are still without power. Trees were uprooted and a coal train was derailed, so strong were the winds.One fatality has been reported. An elderly woman was killed when a small sedan was thrown through the wall of her bedroom where she slept. Many injured have been transported to Toowoomba Base hospital. Initial estimates put the damage bill into the tens of millions of dollars.

Race rally peaceful

*Fictional Story*
Nearly one hundred members of the local aboriginal community gathered in a peaceful protest in the gallery gardens yesterday. Spokes person for the group, Kami Mawoola said it was important for people to remember who was here before it was invaded by white people, and that "Australia Day causes many of our people pain, as we remember what our people had to suffer to get to today. It is not a day of celebration, but a day of mourning for our people."Police were appreciative of the peaceful gathering, and no notable incidences were reported.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Australia Day Celebrations

*Fictional Story*
The city is gearing up for various Australia Day celebrations, over every Australians favourite long weekend. Various hotels are planning 'aussie' events, from Yabbie races to pie eating competions.
Don't miss the family fun day in Queens Park, where you can have a crack at the thong throwing competition, or the kangaroo races for the kids. Don't miss the fashion parade.
To celebrate the day, there will be fireworks in the city hall parklands from 8:30.
Head on out to Jondaryn shed for the sheep shearing and wood chop races.
Where ever you go, there is fun for everyone.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Start of something new

here we go.. I'm looking at doing this to help me in my local Camarilla game, here in Toowoomba, Queensland Australia. For those who don't know that the Camarilla is, check out or
Our game is rarely on these days, and so without us getting together, there is a real threat of things getting too quiet and members loosing interst, so, I'm hoping to use this as a sort of sounding board for things going on in our 'pretend' city.
Snippets that might find their way into the news, on radio or otherwise will be thrown here, that will hopefully give the players a sence that the city does have stuff happening, so there characters are actually in it, rather than in statis between games. It's a way of putting a lot of jumbled thoughts together over the month, rather than trying to ram everything together in one place and time, to hand out to people.
Anyway, I'll see how it goes...