Thursday, August 23, 2007

Further arrests

*Fictional Story*
The investigations into the june 17 riot, have resulted in further arrests by police officers. In what was labled a success, police carried out another raid on a suspect property in the Harlaxton area, where a number of arrests were made.
While the case will remain ongoing, police are confident that the worst is behind them. A number of persons remain under arrest, with continued discussions. Charges continue to grow, with futher charges relating to stolen goods, weapons and drugs, police wish to thank the public for their ongoing support.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Cry for Help

*Fictional Story*
Shoppers at the Drayton shopping centre were of mixed emotion, after many witnessed a suicide attempt by a young woman. In the water fall feature of the dining court a young woman, who will remain un-named was found sitting in the water, after having inflicting severe cuts to her wrists and forearms. When blood started falling down the waterfall, horrified diners raised the alarm. Fortunatly prompt action by staff were able to stabilize the woman until ambulance officers arrived. The woman was unconscious by the time people got to her, so drugs have not been ruled out at this stage.
Totally unexplained by family and friends, this near tragedy is a harsh reminder of the amounts of lives that are lost each year to suicide.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Search continues

*Fictional Story*
Police narrow the ongoing search, in their concerted effort to remedy street violence, that erruped in spectacular fashion back in mid June. Though quick to point out that this is not the only instance of conflict in the city, an undertaking was given to get to the bottom of this particular incident, which the task force is striving towards.
Their most recent arrest yeilded further important information in the Harristown area, which is giving renewed vigor into the investigation and search. Further homes have been visited by officers, however after the death of officer Williamson, increased protection measures are in place.